
According to the Oxford dictionary, meta means ‘(of a creative work) referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential.’ So a post about a post is a metapost. There, I coined the word right now. Metaposting, therefore, is the act of posting about a post. (Obviously, it’s different from a programming language called metapost.)

So you might ask, why am I metaposting. I need to get into the storyteller mode for this. (There’s a hint here.) Sometime last year I attended a storytelling workshop conducted by Emily Hennessy at the British Council and was so moved by it that I wrote this. Today I am thrilled to see that this post has now been featured on her website! Thank you so much Emily Hennessy!

Here’s what it looks like on the outside:

Featured in Emily's website


And this is what it looks like on the inside. Don’t take my word for it; go check out Emily’s website! Click or tap the image below.

Featured inside


4 thoughts on “Metaposting

  1. Glad you saw this Moushumi! I’m only sorry it took me so long to get it onto my website – you’re much better at blogging than me! Thanks for the nice mention again : ) I hope you’re well! Very best wishes, Emily

    1. Hey Emily, lovely to connect with you again! Actually no, barring this one instance, we are on the same side of things when it comes to blogging. I missed your email and replied rather late, which made me so guilty that I synced my emails to the phone. When you posted, I got an alert almost immediately and that’s how I could respond. Welcome again! And thank you! I am fine. Hope your India trip went well.

  2. I am pretty sure I know one other common blogger friend who does this meta stuff. Does WP allow tagging like Twitter does? I tried @ and name, it doesn’t work 🙂

    1. Hello Balu! Nice to see you here again! Sorry took a bit of a time to reply. Nah, WP does not allow tagging as yet. I am only a sporadic ‘meta’ referencer. 🙂

Let me know what you think.