
Volver in Spanish means to return back like that Pedro Almodóvar film. I am returning to this blog after seven years! I did not intent on such a long break. I did not intend on a break at all! But here we are in a post pandemic world with reduced attention spans, scrolling temptations, some grey in our hair, and some rust on our soul.

My life has changed and not changed at the same time. My work has completely changed. I work in publishing now. It’s fun sometimes and not fun sometimes. Just like life.

My passions have remained more or less the same. I’m still reading and taking photographs only on my mobile. (I will return to film one day.) One major change has been that I’ve gone and done a few courses on film appreciation, one introductory one from FTII, Pune and three from the Auroville Film Institute on Ritwik Ghatak, Nuri Bilge Ceylan and now Pedro Almodóvar. A whole new world opened up to me. Now, I would like to explore this more. Let’s see where this takes me.

I’m also currently hugely involved with the #BookTwitter group on Twitter where we are reading Orhan Pamuk’s Snow and Jorge Luis Borges’s Collected Fictions at the moment.

So, what have you been up to? Let me know. Let’s return back to each other.

2 thoughts on “Volver

  1. I had a minute to myself today, in the middle of a busy workday. Looked up your blog on a whim and see where it brought me – to a new post! I can tell that you refuse to let go of your blog just like me, but at the same are finding it difficult to be regular. You’ve been up to so much though! You are excused for not being more regular with your blog. 🙂

  2. Courses on film appreciation sounds like something I’d love to explore. But I’ve enrolled and dropped out of so many courses now that I dare not 🙂
    Happy new year, btw.

Let me know what you think.